10.6 Achtergrondinfo

Algemeen beoordeling duurzaamheid biomassa:

- Jan Ros, Jos Olivier, Jos Notenboom, CE Delft: Harry Croezen, Geert Bergsma 2012 PBL Note ‘Sustainability of biomass in a bio-based economy, A quick-scan analysis of the biomass demand of a bio-based economy in 2030 compared to the sustainable supply’, February 2012, PBL Publication number: 500143001

- Umwelt Bundes Amt (UBA)2009, ‘Sustainable Bioenergy: Current Status and Outlook

- Umwelt Bundes Amt (UBA) 2008,Criteria for a Sustainable Use of Bioenergy on a Global Scale’

- The Gallagher Review 2008 ‘indirect effects of biofuels production’

- Jinke van Dam, Martin Junginger, André Faaij, Ingmar Jürgens, Gustavo Best, Uwe Fritsche, ‘Overview of recent developments in sustainable biomass certification ’ Biomass and Bioenergy 2008 (32) 8, 749–780

- Ecofys 2007 (in opdracht van het WWF) ‘ Towards a harmonised Sustainable Biomass Certification Scheme '

- IEA Bioenergy (2013): 'Monitoring sustainability certification of bioenergy'

Specifieke criteria duurzaamheid biomassa:

Broeikasgas emissie berekenen
•  AgentschapNL:  GHG-Tool GAVE

• UK : Biomass and Biogas Carbon Calculator   
• Biograce: The project BioGrace aims to harmonise calculations of biofuel greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and thus supports the implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) and the EU Fuel Quality Directive (2009/30/EC) into national laws.

ILUC berekenen
• Koen P. Overmars etal 2011, ‘Indirect land use change emissions related to EU biofuel consumption: an analysis based on historical data’, Environmental Science&Policy 14(2011)248–257 (vanwege auteursrechten niet via deze site)

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